Tips On How To Manage Remote Employee Attendance

Updated on September 22nd, 2023

We all know it is hard to survive with any business in this growing competitive environment without managing your employees effectively. And let’s face it, folks, managing your employees effectively is an absolute must. After all, these amazing individuals are the backbone of any organization, tirelessly working to boost your company’s bottom line.

But hold on a minute! What happens when your team is scattered across different locations, working remotely? That’s where things get tricky.

When it comes to remote employees, the major hurdle is managing and tracking the attendance. Ineffective attendance management may impact the turnover rate and business productivity. To stay productive, you need to focus on employee working hours. Moreover, employees are paid accurately depending on their total working days.

Thus, HR managers must know the tips on managing remote employee attendance. Attendance management of employees is the key to the success of an organization. Now, you might be wondering, “But how can I ensure effective attendance management for my remote workforce?” Fear not, dear readers, for we have just the tips and tricks you need to make it happen. So are you ready? Let’s start our journey.

“As per the labor laws, A full-time employee must work 40 hours per week, and the employer must pay if the employee exceeds the defined working hours or who works overtime. In this case, the employee can lawfully go against the employer if the accurate amount is not paid as per the working hours.”

#1. Make Use of Perfect Attendance Tracker

Just can’t imagine the manual, tedious attendance tracking system in those traditional attendance management methods. Now, this has been replaced with an automated attendance tracking system. A remote employee management software with a perfect attendance tracker would help to track the remote employees effectively. When the remote employees log in/log out to the project management software for their work, the attendance for the day is tracked automatically with the inbuilt attendance tracker and provides insightful reports.

#2. Define The Attendance Policy For Employees

Before implementing automated time tracking software, the employer should set clear expectations for the employees, and the HR manager should draft the employees’ attendance policies. The drafted policies should clearly explain how to use the away time and the impact of not following the procedures properly. It also describes the type of leaves available for employees. Interact with your employees and ensure they clearly understand the attendance policies of the organization.

#3. Incorporate Video Conferencing To Have an Interactive Work Environment

When you suddenly implement an online attendance policy for remote employees, it may be difficult for them to understand in the beginning phase. So make use of the video and voice calls to interact with the employees and get to know how they go along with this remote work culture and online attendance tracking.

Frequent video conferencing would help to make an emotional connection with the employees, making them feel free to approach and share their issues. Thus it reduces unplanned absenteeism.

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#4. Encourage Employees To Make Use Of Their Absence Calendar

The employer needs to select the attendance management software with Absence Calendar for both employee and employer. The employees should be allowed to access their Absence Calendar so that they can keep track of their leaves at their convenience. It also allows the employees to schedule their leave well in advance. They will also feel comfortable having control over their attendance management. This power for the employees will enhance work motivation and reduce absenteeism.

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#5. Integrate Attendance Tracking & Payroll Processing

As payroll processing involves accurate attendance data, tracking the exact attendance data is crucial in this process. Any error with data copied from one tool to another for processing payroll may result in underpaying or overpaying the employees. So it is always better to choose a tool where the attendance management and payroll processing are integrated into one single platform. Choose a platform or tool where it becomes easy for HR to calculate the number of leaves, working days, and Productive working hours for transparent and exact payroll processing.

#6. Promote Flexible Policies

Employees may feel uncomfortable with rigid attendance policies, which impact their motivation toward their job. When employees are not offered flexible off time, unexpected absenteeism increases, impacting business productivity. So it is important to provide flexible attendance policies. You must consider the employee’s concerns without compromising on the work quality. For example, a work from home option can be provided when the employee cannot commute due to any physical issue.

#7. Analyze The Attendance Reports

The automated attendance reports generated by the advanced attendance management system provide information on daily login and logout details. This information lets you know whether the employee is early or delayed during their entry/exit. It shows the working pattern of the employees. The different types of leaves availed by the employee and the total number of worked days of the employee will allow you to understand whether absenteeism has increased or decreased during their remote work.

#8. Engage Remote Employees With Project Meetings

Plan and schedule the meetings in advance for the remote employees since each employee may work at different time intervals when they are at home. This planning will make the remote employee join with other coworkers and managers at the office and can discuss the work progress or discuss the upcoming project. Engaging the remote employees with certain meetings will reduce unexpected absence, and you can well manage the attendance of the remote employees.

Check out the 15 Best Remote Work Software Tools in 2021

#9. Use Proper Documentation

Employee tracking software has made documentation of tasks and activities easy, even if the processes are complicated. For remote employees, it helps document clock-in/out time, work hours, productivity, and other relevant information. Documentation is an absolute necessity for managing remote employee work and attendance. Documenting employees’ achievements and top performances would also be beneficial to make them feel appreciated, especially when working remotely.

#10. Regular Check-ins

Employee time tracking software can effectively keep your team honest with their work hours. But it’s also important to check up on the quality and quantity of their work. Daily check-ins can be used to keep employees in check with the quality and quantity of work they are doing. This highly effective system can be implemented through something as simple as a daily work report message or a daily stand-up call.

#11. An Accessible Manager/HR

Being absent as a manager won’t exactly set the attendance fire ablaze. If you want your team to achieve remarkable outcomes, it’s time to step up as a present leader. You see, when the manager is there, the employees feel inspired, valued, and compelled to give their absolute best. Give your incredible employees multiple avenues to reach out to you. Whether it’s a phone call, an email, or even a carrier pigeon (well, maybe not the last one 😅), make sure they can connect with you effortlessly.

#12. Create an Online Space

Working from home can sometimes feel lonely and isolating. In a physical office, employees have the chance to chat about non-work-related topics during breaks or casual encounters. However, remote workers don’t have this option, which can make it challenging for them to get to know their team members. To combat this, it’s a great idea to create an online space where your remote team can interact and have casual conversations. This not only helps build a stronger team but also gives employees a refreshing break between tasks, reducing absenteeism in the long run.

Desklog – The Perfect Solution For Remote Employee Attendance

Manage remote employee attendance and plan your resources efficiently with Desklog’s remote employee attendance management system. Track attendance and the absences of remote employees using Desklog’s advanced features and detailed attendance reports.

With Desklog’s remote employee attendance management system, you can effortlessly track the attendance and absences of your workforce. Whether your team members are working from home, traveling, or stationed in different locations, this platform enables you to effectively track their presence and absence.

You can easily track and analyze data on their working hours, breaks, and time off, allowing you to gain valuable insights into their productivity and availability. Boosting accountability, productivity, and employee satisfaction becomes effortless as you gain real-time visibility into your workforce’s attendance, all within a centralized platform.

Benefits of using Desklog’s remote employee attendance management system

  • Organize your work with planned human resources
  • Monitor absence schedule
  • Easy payroll management
  • Reduced manual work with automated reports
  • Enhanced data accuracy
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Managing the attendance of the employees is an important aspect of any business. Effectively managing remote employee attendance will result in high business productivity and motivated employees. Moreover, maintaining the tracked attendance data with accurate reports is essential to comply with labor laws. As the world is moving towards digital technology at a fast pace, the remote work option is exponentially increasing, and a perfect attendance management system with remote monitoring tools would serve the purpose of managing remote employees. Hope the above tips assist you in managing the attendance of the remote employees.

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Meet The Author
Abdul Majid

Co-founder and DevOps Manager at Desklog

Abdul Majid is a serial entrepreneur popular for co-founding "Desklog" - An automated time tracking software. He works efficiently on self-motivated and compelling projects typically involving new open-source technologies that demand collaboration between three or more team members and groups across different geographies. The author widely engages in workplace research that can improve the workflow of teams. Additionally, he regularly blogs on productivity and software innovations which are top-ranked and popular for their compelling grasp and wisdom.

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