Advanced Attendance Management System With Desklog

Advanced Attendance Management System With Desklog

Updated on September 25th, 2023

The conventional way of tracking attendance with punch cards is shifting drastically. Undoubtedly, we can say that the advanced employee attendance management software is going towards its steep learning curve. At all times, the attendance tracking system is an inevitable process to have a systematic and productive business outcome and to make your mind up, Desklog has paved the way with innovative and advanced solutions for employee attendance management.

Desklog is very much delighted that it has launched the additional new feature- Online attendance management software with its two modules like Absence Calendar and Attendance Reports.

Desklog came up with this advanced technique to simplify the whole attendance tracking system and thus ease human resource operations. Let us have a glimpse of the article to know more about the features and the functions of the employee attendance management software. Also, you will get to know the benefits of this new feature with our remote employee monitoring tool.

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Before looking down into this paper, we will discuss: what is the attendance management system?

Attendance Management System

The automated process to track the employee’s attendance with exact login and log out details or any absence details to effectively track employees by the admin or owner of this tracking tool and also ease human resource operations like payroll management with monthly attendance reports. It also enables the user or the employee to update their leaves or absence details in advance. Ultimately, this online attendance management software prevents time theft and makes the employees stay productive with the total allocated working hours.

Now let us look at how it functions with its features. As we said before, it has two sub-modules like Absence Calendar and Attendance reports.

Absence Calendar


This sub-module of the attendance management system is to track the absence details of the employee. If an employee needs to update his or her leave details, then they will be able to do it from their end and also from the admin side.

Admin will be able to access all the features of the absence calendar in the tool. The following views or methods are available for the admin to update the leave details or add away-time of an employee or team.

1.Monthly absence calendar view against each employee

Daily Absence calender

Here admin will be able to select any particular day of the week of any specific employee to add the away time. While adding the away-time (leave details), the admin will be able to select the From/To Date, leave (away-time) type (such as sick, conference, parental, vacation, unpaid, etc) to update the away time. As per the settings, it reflects against each employee’s absence calendar view with details like whether it is a paid or unpaid leave and color-coding to differentiate each leave type.

2.Weekly absence calendar view

Monthly Absence calender

With this view, the admin will be able to select any day of the month and add the leave details for any employee or team. As discussed above, the leave taken or applied away time will reflect on the monthly view with the following leave details like paid or unpaid and color-coding to easily differentiate the leave type.

3. Add “away time” option

Away Time

There is no particular view like a weekly or monthly view with this option. Here admin will directly be able to add the away time or leave details by choosing the team members or any specific employee.

Any user or the employee will also be able to add their away time in Desklog. However, they will be able to have a look at the monthly absence calendar view. It is very similar to the one we discussed under the view options or methods available for the admin. The only difference is that the user will be able to update or apply for their leaves whereas the admin will be able to select the day or days of the month and the user or team to update the away time.

Explore more on Desklog Productivity Software Features

Attendance Report

Attendance Report

It is the sub-module of the attendance management system to manage the daily, weekly, monthly attendance report of all the employees. Admin will be able to track attendance reports on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

The three different views (tabs ) of attendance reports that are visible to admin are Day, Week, and Month.

Daily attendance report view:

Daily attendance report view_

Admin will be able to view the first-in and the last-out of the employee. It also calculates whether the entry time or the exit time is early or delayed by a few minutes. It helps the employer to know how punctual the employee is.

Settings Configuration For Employee Attendance Management Software

To effectively track the attendance, the admin will be able to configure the following details for all the employees:

  • Total working days: This may differ from team to team, For example, sales or support team may also work on weekends and admin will be able to pre-configure the total working days where ever required.
  • Work Start time, Work end time, Minimum working hours: This can also be configured by the admin.
  • Minimum monthly leaves allowed: Here it is possible to add the leave types (Sick, conference, casual, parental, business trip, etc) and can indicate whether it is paid or unpaid and can also indicate a color code for the leave type. Admin will also be able to add a new leave type to the system.
  • Read the blog on Tips To Manage Remote Employees Effectively

    Why organizations Need Employee Attendance Management Software

    It is proven that organizations using attendance management software are more systematic and productive than organizations that do not. All the top companies in the world use attendance management systems. Employers often experience payroll issues due to not deploying proper online attendance management software. Managing proper time and attendance makes a lot of difference in the way your employees operate. It can considerably improve your business productivity and profits.

    Traditional time tracking methods could be more problematic than useful, sometimes employees may not remember to record log-in/log-out times, sometimes they may enter wrong details. The information gathered by attendance management systems gives enough data required for effortless management. You can make detailed reports and see data about any employee such as the hours worked, time off taken, etc… instantly. The integration of employee attendance management software with existing HR processes can guarantee that you have the complete set of tools to effectively manage your workforce.

    Online attendance management software solutions like Desklog also keep track of late and early clock in/out times and automatically informs the manager or HR. Today’s attendance management software is easy to use, sophisticated, and a necessity for any type of business or organization.

    The Benefits Of The Online Attendance Management Software

  • Enhances data accuracy, integrity, and ensures consistency in attendance management.
  • It helps to improve employee productivity and makes them punctual at work.
  • It reduces the complexity involved in administrative work like HR payroll management and thus enhances the HR team efficiency.
  • The advanced online attendance management software will help to avoid attendance issues like missed out biometric, incorrect time-entries, etc.
  • Manual work on maintaining and analyzing attendance records is not necessary and saves time.
  • All the related time data of an employee is visible at a single interface and reduces the time to fix any attendance issue.
  • Easy to track the leaves and total working days of all the employees and eliminates time-theft and manual error.
  • It administers company policy and regulations seamlessly.

  • Choose A Rigid Attendance Management System

    Get connected to a robust employee attendance management system. It offers visibility of employee login/logout and their productive time out of their total working hours. Overall, it helps to eliminate manual administrative work involved in attendance management processing and managing the leave record.
    Enhances data accuracy, integrity, and ensures consistency in attendance management. It helps to improve employee productivity and makes them punctual at work. It reduces the complexity involved in administrative work like HR payroll management and thus enhances the HR team efficiency.
    The advanced online attendance management software will help to avoid attendance issues like missed out biometric, incorrect time-entries, etc. Manual work on maintaining and analyzing attendance records is not necessary and saves time. All the related time data of an employee is visible at a single interface and reduces the time to fix any attendance issue. Easy to track the leaves and total working days of all the employees and eliminates time-theft and manual error. It administers company policy and regulations seamlessly. Streamline your attendance tracking by eliminating missed out biometric or card punches with a perfect attendance management software on a remote employee monitoring tool.

    Desklog Free Time Tracking Trial

    Streamline your attendance tracking by eliminating missed out biometric or card punches with a perfect attendance management software on a remote employee monitoring tool.

    Meet The Author
    Abdul Majid

    Co-founder and DevOps Manager at Desklog

    Abdul Majid is a serial entrepreneur popular for co-founding "Desklog" - An automated time tracking software. He works efficiently on self-motivated and compelling projects typically involving new open-source technologies that demand collaboration between three or more team members and groups across different geographies. The author widely engages in workplace research that can improve the workflow of teams. Additionally, he regularly blogs on productivity and software innovations which are top-ranked and popular for their compelling grasp and wisdom.

    One Reply to “Advanced Attendance Management System With Desklog”

    1. The information provided was incredibly valuable and offered great insights into the benefits of advanced attendance management software.

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