Top 10 Project Time Tracking Software.

Top 10 Project Time Tracking Software

Updated on June 3rd, 2024

Hey there, fellow time-travelers!

Let’s embark on a thrilling journey through the exciting realm of project time tracking software.

Our mission is to unearth the top 10 project time tracking software, each one wielding a unique set of superpowers to transform the way you manage your tasks and make the most out of every precious moment.

Tick-Tock, it’s time to dive in! ⏱️

Taming Time with Tech

The significance of time tracking in project management cannot be overstated. It’s like having a wonderful crystal ball that allows you to look into the future and see how your project is doing. You can spot bottlenecks, identify time-wasting activities, and keep your team on track like herding cats (a true feat!). Not to mention that it assists you in wisely managing your resources, much like a seasoned money-savvy dragon guarding its treasures.

But hold on, there’s more! The rise of project time tracking software is legendary. These tools have taken time tracking to a whole new level of awesomeness! You can automatically track your team’s project hours, project progress in real time, measure their productivity like a pro detective, and generate reports that make your boss do the happy dance πŸ’ƒ

And here’s the best part: these project time tracking tools are so user-friendly, that even a technophobe can navigate them with ease. With these time-tracking warriors on your side, you’ll see your productivity skyrocket like a rocket into space. Deadlines will become more than just due dates; they’ll be moments of triumph! As you complete one assignment after another, you’ll feel like a time-bending magician juggling tasks with style.

1) Desklog

Desklog stands out as an outstanding project time tracking solution, catering to organizations with its capability to create an unlimited number of projects and efficiently assign them to respective teams, tailoring the process to meet diverse organizational needs. The platform boasts a project time tracking system with limitless tracking possibilities, allowing users to gain precise insights into the total number of tasks within each project, time allocation, and performance analysis. With a seamless task tracking mechanism that automatically stops when tasks are marked as ‘Task Done,’ Desklog ensures a streamlined and productive workflow for teams.

What truly differentiates Desklog from its competitors is its persistent focus on client satisfaction and continual improvement. The platform’s dedicated support team is readily available to assist users, quickly addressing any questions or technical concerns that may arise. This commitment to providing top-notch customer support ensures that organizations can rely on Desklog to efficiently overcome challenges and optimize their project tracking processes.

Furthermore, Desklog consistently upgrades its features and functionalities, to stay ahead of the curve and meet the ever-changing demands of the industry, providing users with an up-to-date and cutting-edge project tracking software. Desklog offers a free version with limited features along with other two reasonable plans which is highly affordable.


  • Create Projects and Task
  • Task Timesheet
  • Accurate Tracking
  • Task Timeline
  • Precise Billing
  • Increased project profitability

2) My Hours

MyHours is an efficient project time tracking software that allows you to manage your projects smoothly while maintaining financial control with real-time data. With its user-friendly interface, you can simply track projects, gather timesheets, and track the progress of your team. Organize your projects and effortlessly assign them to team members.

This software enables your team to log their time and costs on projects and tasks with remarkable speed and accuracy. It also creates professional-looking reports that are easily customised with billing or payroll rates, making the invoicing and payroll process a breeze.

With MyHours, streamline your project tracking, improve productivity, and keep a sharp eye on your project’s financial health.


  • Project Time Tracking
  • Project Organization
  • Time & Cost Analyzation
  • Accurate Reports
  • Client Billing

3) Harvest

Harvest is a highly intuitive solution that will revolutionise the way you measure hours and manage projects. With its user-friendly interface and simple adoption process, Harvest empowers teams to stay organized and productive on a daily basis. The wide selection of visual reports enables teams to stay organised and productive on a daily basis.

The extensive visual report provides vital insights into project progress, team performance, and resource allocation, ensuring that projects operate smoothly. Harvest’s dynamic budget tracking is one of its most notable features. Harvest updates budgets in real-time as your team tracks time, ensuring that you always have a clear view of project expenses and can make required modifications to keep projects on schedule and profitable.


  • Keep Budgets on targets
  • Understand Costs
  • Track time spent
  • Reports and Analytics
  • Accurate tracking of projects

4) ClickTime

ClickTime is a robust project tracking software solution that automates time tracking and project expense management, allowing teams and organisations to improve project management efficiency. It provides real-time tracking of a project’s profit, costs, and billings while teams work hard to meet their objectives.

The platform gives useful insights about project and employee performance, enabling firms to optimise their operations for optimal profitability. ClickTime offers a personalised and efficient approach to project billing and resource allocation by allowing you to set premium, discounted, and blended rates customized to individual clients and projects.


  • Project profitability
  • Project Performance Tracking
  • Project Categorization
  • Accurate tracking
  • Precise billing

5) Clockify

Clockify is a comprehensive project time tracking system that allows users to easily track progress and budget. It provides significant flexibility in project tracking by allowing you to categorise activities by job type and apply several levels of hourly rates. One of the important features is the ability to establish either a budget or a time estimate for each project, which aids in properly anticipating project performance.

Users can quickly categorise and organise their work by grouping time entries under relevant projects. The comparison of estimated vs tracked time and money in the project’s Status tab facilitates Clockify’s project progress tracking. This helps users to properly manage project development and resource allocation.


  • Categorize tasks
  • Budget estimates
  • Project Performance
  • Keep project notes
  • Track project progress

6) Hubstaff

Hubstaff project monitoring software provides customers with access to detailed reports that break down the time allotted to various tasks and projects in a single glance. This level of transparency enables team members and managers to receive insights into individual and team productivity. This assists in determining where resources are being used most efficiently. Furthermore, Hubstaff provides a tool that allows users to establish private tasks and checklists, ensuring that sensitive or personal work remains private.

Hubstaff’s project time tracking software takes organisation to new heights, providing customers with a clear roadmap of their daily, monthly, and even long-term tasks. Users can simply discover what needs to be done today, tomorrow, or in the following weeks by categorising jobs based on their due dates.


  • Detailed Reports
  • Enhanced Transparency
  • Tasks & Checklist
  • Task Management
  • Long-term Planning

7) Paymo

Paymo is project management software that aims to improve project outcomes by streamlining operations. Paymo’s integrated time tracking, task management, and collaboration tools enable teams to break down large projects into manageable sub-tasks and properly prioritise them. Teams can save time and ensure a more effective workflow by automating repetitive operations.

Paymo makes project management easier by allowing users to track work hours precisely, produce bills for clients easily, and assess project profitability all from a single platform. Furthermore, Paymo’s unique ability to convert timesheets into invoices guarantees that every billable hour is accounted for, allowing businesses to be paid quickly for their efforts.


  • Reduce Project Delays
  • Accurate Invoices
  • Detailed Reports
  • Team Collaboration

8) Timely

Timely is intended to provide real-time budget and activity visualisation for your projects. Their mission is to revolutionise the way you plan and execute projects, providing seamless cooperation and thorough reporting. Because their solution automatically tracks employees’ work across several applications, creating accurate timesheets, you may obtain comprehensive insight into the allocation of project time and resources.

Timely project time tracking software keeps a meticulous record of all work done, allowing you to bill clients for every part of the project. Real-time visualisations not only streamline your planning and decision-making processes, but they also promote improved resource efficiency, saving you time and money.


  • Project Planning
  • Accurate Billing
  • Project Profitability
  • Project Visibility

9) TimeCamp

TimeCamp grants you the ability to establish clear start and due dates for tasks, fostering a synchronized and structured approach to project execution. With a holistic view of the team’s endeavors on a single, user-friendly board, staying organized becomes second nature, enabling leaders to prioritize tasks with unprecedented ease. A comprehensive overview of each project’s progress ensures that no detail goes overlooked, allowing for timely completion and overall project success.

TimeCamp also integrates with other apps to empower users to track time with utmost precision. Additionally, tasks can be effortlessly created from emails, streamlining communication and workflow. With effortless board importation from Trello and the option to export tasks to external calendars, this platform seamlessly integrates into existing systems, promoting adaptability and ease of use.


  • Task Management
  • Track projects
  • Project Oversight
  • Increased Efficiency

10) TMetric

The TMetric project tracking software provides users with a comprehensive solution for managing projects and optimizing team task completion. By facilitating the breakdown of tasks, the software empowers project teams to maintain better control over their tasks and activities. Users can gain valuable insights into ongoing projects, allowing for a detailed overview of work in progress.

With TMetric’s project tracking capabilities, users can select billing types and establish project budgets. This feature enables effective monitoring and analysis of project progress, leading to enhanced project profitability. Additionally, the software offers the flexibility to set specific rates for each managed project, ensuring tailored financial considerations.


  • Create Projects
  • Task Summary Reports
  • Project Budgeting
  • Accurate Invoicing

The Essentials of Effective Project Tracking Software

In this wild world of project time tracking, having the right project tracking software is like having a trusty partner that helps you conquer the chaos and reach the finish line with a smile on your face. 😎 So, put on your virtual capes, and prepare to dig into the essentials of effective project tracking software!

Task Master – Taming the To-Do List Monster!

Task Master

Say goodbye to that never-ending to-do list that grows like Gremlins after midnight! With the correct project management software, you can divide your projects into manageable tasks and tackle them one at a time. And hey, If you finish a task before your coffee cools, you might even get a virtual high-five! πŸ™Œ

Time Travel – Defying the Time Zone Paradox!

Time Travel

Have you ever wished for a time machine to manage teams in different time zones? Well, a good project tracking software allows you to coordinate tasks seamlessly across the globe. It’s as though you’re breaking the laws of space and time! So no more getting up at 3 a.m. to obtain that critical status update. 😴

Collaboration Crusader – Uniting the Super Team!

Collaboration Crusader

Remember when you had to send countless emails back and forth simply to figure out who would bring doughnuts to the next meeting 🍩. Well, no more of that nonsense! Project tracking software is your trusty sidekick in team collaboration, where all discussions and files live in one centralized hub.

Progress Wizard – Conjuring Insights at the Blink of an Eye!

Progress Wizard

Gone are the days of flipping through endless reports and charts to know your project’s status. With the power of project tracking software, you can summon real-time progress reports that show you the magic of numbers and percentages! And hey, if you need to impress your boss with data at the next meeting, just wave that wand! πŸͺ„

Tracking’ for Treasure: Project Profitability!

Tracking for Treasure

Alright, consider this: You’re on a quest to find hidden treasure (aka profits!) in your projects. But without project time tracking software, you will stumble around blindfolded! 😡 Project profitability is a precious gem that often hides beneath the surface, and tracking your team’s time spent on projects helps you dig it up! It’s like having a magic potion that reveals the secret of success!

Boost Productivity – Unleash Your Inner Hulk

Boost Productivity

You can optimize workflows, uncover bottlenecks, and harness your inner Hulk to tear through inefficiencies using time tracking analytics! With the power of project time tracking software, you’ll be the project manager everyone turns to for getting things done faster than a caffeinated cheetah!

Sleep Like a Baby – Bye-bye Sleepless Nights

Sleep Like a Baby

Remember those nights spent worrying if the project is on track? 😫 Say goodbye to those sleepless nights! With time tracking, you’ll sleep like a baby, knowing your project is in good hands! You can finally trade those stress-induced nightmares for dreams of project success and bask in the glory of being the well-rested project superhero!

Bill Like a Pro – Cha-Ching!

Bill Like a Pro

For those of you billing clients on tracking project costs, time tracking software is your financial best friend! Cha-ching! Billing becomes much easier, and you’ll look like a pro when it comes to invoicing! This program ensures that your billing is accurate and that your clients are impressed by your financial acumen!

Desklog Free Time Tracking Trial

Winding Up

So, my fellow time travellers, we’ve journeyed through project time tracking software and uncovered the top 10 contenders that promise to revolutionize how we manage our projects and time. From the tech-savvy to the user-friendly, these tools offer a delightful blend of efficiency and fun to keep you on track and motivated throughout your projects.

There’s a perfect match waiting for each one of you in this vibrant array of software options. Go ahead, embrace the power of streamlined productivity. 🌟

Meet The Author
Shamseena Shamsudheen

Researcher & Content Specialist

Shamseena is an enthusiastic writer who frequently writes about various time tracking management tips and productivity techniques. She is a dedicated analyst of apps meant to enhance the workflow of freelancers, remote workers, and regular employees. She has shown excellent research skills in learning new things and spends much time transferring her knowledge to others. She shares the information only after in-depth research and only provides truthful information.

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