Offline Time Tracking with Desklog

Offline Time Tracking with Desklog

Updated on September 22nd, 2023

Desklog is glad to announce that it has launched the new additional feature -“Offline Time Tracking”. Desklog is the remote employee time tracking software.

Are you looking to track an employee’s productive time when they work during no internet connection? Desklog facilitates this by optimizing your productive time during your offline hours.

Though Desklog can effectively track the productive time, idle time, total time at work, online status of the employees, it has also been introduced to track the productive time of the employees when they work without an internet connection.

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Here in this article, we will look into the new additional feature-“Offline time tracking” and how this feature works along with its advantages.

What Is Offline Time Tracking?

Offline time tracking software is the time tracking feature that is used to track the time at work, productive time, and idle time when the employee is working without an internet connection.

This is the advanced way to sync the offline time data when the internet connection is back to a stable condition.

For example, if an employee is active on the Google chrome page and loses internet connection in between, Desklog will track the productive time of the employee even without an internet connection.

Explore more Desklog Productivity Tracking features

How does Offline Time Tracking Software work In Desklog?

Desklog Dashboard

The admin will be able to set the configurations of offline tracking software features of Desklog. When there is no internet connection the tracked data will be stored locally and when the internet connection is stable, the offline data will be synced back to the application.

No matter if you are online or offline, none of your work will go in vain. Your work progress will be tracked and documented even if you don’t have an active internet connection. Desklog will continue to track your work progress. Once you get back online, this data will be updated to your report.

Your monitored time and screenshots will be updated in the records.

Follow the below steps to sync offline data to the system.

1. Upgrade Desklog client app

All the employees or the users should update the Desklog client version to enable this additional feature-“offline time tracking”.

2. Offline time tracking Setting

Admin or the Desklog owner or the authorized personnel will be able to make the required offline tracking settings to view and analyze the captured offline data.

3. Desklog-Employee login

Once the employee logins to Desklog, the offline time tracking software feature will be enabled. When the employee loses the internet connection, the offline data will be tracked by this feature.

4. Captures offline data and sync back to the application

It captures the offline tracked data in the local system and the data will be synced back to Desklog when the internet connection is stable. Admin will be able to view the tracked offline data and analyze the productive time during offline hours.

Get to know the Tips & Tricks for Desklog Users

Benefits Of Offline Time Tracking Feature

  • The best method to track the overall employee’s time effort.
  • Keeps the employee motivated as it counts even when the employee is working offline.
  • Eliminates procrastination as the employee no need to wait for a stable internet connection during their work.
  • Helps to improve the overall productivity as it tracks the productive time even during the offline hours.
  • Track employee offline time as productive when they are working in an intermittent internet connection.
  • Streamlines the workflow as there is no interruption even without an internet connection.
Desklog Free Time Tracking Trial


Go ahead and count your employee’s productive time when they are working without an internet connection or during any network connectivity issue and keep them motivated with this exclusive feature of Desklog. Overall, it enhances business productivity with the offline time tracking feature of Desklog.

Meet The Author
Abdul Majid

Co-founder and DevOps Manager at Desklog

Abdul Majid is a serial entrepreneur popular for co-founding "Desklog" - An automated time tracking software. He works efficiently on self-motivated and compelling projects typically involving new open-source technologies that demand collaboration between three or more team members and groups across different geographies. The author widely engages in workplace research that can improve the workflow of teams. Additionally, he regularly blogs on productivity and software innovations which are top-ranked and popular for their compelling grasp and wisdom.

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