Add a New App Category ?

Go to “Settings” on the left-hand side. Click on “App Categories.” Here you can see the complete app details used by the employees. Also, on the top right corner, the Add New Categories button is available with which you can … Continued

Classify Apps into Category

Navigate to “Settings” on the left-hand side. Click on “App Categories.” To classify app categories, Enter the “App Name.” Select the required category from the dropdown list. And, click on “Update”.

Productivity Status of Apps

How to change the productivity status of any application? Only the admin or the Desklog account owner can change the productivity status of an application. Navigate to “Settings” on the left-hand side. Click on “App Productivity.” You can see all … Continued

Restrict IP addresses

To restrict certain IP addresses, First access the Dashboard ‘Settings’ and then choose ‘Modules’ From modules select ‘IP Restriction’ from the available options. To add the necessary IP addresses, right-click on the “Add IP” button. Fill in the columns which … Continued

Desklog Integrations works

1.What can I have with integration? With integrations, you will be able to integrate with external project management software like Jira and also have the option to integrate with Amazon S3 storage service. These integrations will help you to enhance … Continued

Configure Work hours

NB: All the changes can only be done by Admins. Work hours can be configured as follows: Go to ‘Settings’ under ‘Admin Dashboard ‘and select ‘Working Hours’. How to configure working days? Click on the “Working Days”. This will let … Continued

Add Personal Details

How to add Personal Details and Change Password? From the User dashboard, click on your name in the top right corner. Select “My Profile” from the dropdown menu. In the profile section, you can add your name, the team you … Continued

Change Password?

Click on your name in the top right corner. Choose “My Profile” from the menu. In the top right corner of the profile section, find and click on “Change Password.” A dialog box will appear for changing your password. Enter … Continued

Upload Profile Photo

You can upload your photo in the profile section. Click on your name on the top right corner. Select “My Profile” from the menu. Click the circular photo area in your profile and upload your preferred profile photo.

Setting Hourly and Monthly Pay Rates

This process can only be done by the admins Step 1: In the left-hand menu, click on “Register.” Step 2: From the dropdown list, choose “User.” Step 3: Select a specific user from the provided list. Step 3: Now, click … Continued