What are the Features Available on Desklog Project Dashboard?

Upon successfully logging in as an admin, Desklog will display its dashboard by default. The dashboard presents a comprehensive overview of Desklog’s features, and the navigation options are conveniently located on the left-hand side of the screen.

The dashboard gives an overview of

  1.  Number of projects
  2.  Completed Projects
  3.  Active Projects
  4.  Other Projects
  5.  Number of Tasks
  6.  Completed tasks
  7. Original Allocated Time
  8. Spent Time

Upcoming Project Deadline : It contains due date, Project status, and the team assigned to the project board.

Pie Chart : Displays picture representation of Active/Completed task.

Tasks : It shows the ongoing progress of every team member’s assigned tasks, providing details such as the project they are working on, start date, time allocated for completion, and time already spent.