Desklog Workflow

1. How does Desklog Work?

Once the users are added to the Desklog account, they will receive the invitation with credentials to log in to Desklog. The user can login to desklog account using these credentials. Once the users are logged into Desklog, the admins can view the tracked insights from the dashboard.

The users can login to Desklog by following these steps:

Click on the installed Desklog client app from your device. Enter the credentials you received and then click on the ‘Login’ button.

Desklog Login

And you will get a pop up which says – ‘Login successful, App has started’.

Login successful
Desklog client

If the app has installed successfully, you’ll see a Desklog icon. Click on the same where you will see a list of options. Click on ‘My Desklog’ and you will be directed to the admin dashboard. This dashboard gives you the complete details of the tracked data by Desklog.

Desklog Dashboard

1. What information does Desklog keep track of?

You will be able to view the following details in Desklog dashboard:

  • Clock in: Time at which user arrived.
  • Clock out: Displays the user’s clocked out time or indicates ‘online’ if the user is not currently clocked out.
  • Time at Work: Total time spent in the workplace including the productive and non productive time.
  • Productivity: Total productive time spent on tasks during the work hours.
  • Idle Time: The time when the user is away from the screen, or the time when there is no mouse or keyboard movements.
  • Offline Time: The time when there is no or unstable network connection.
  • Private Time: The time the user is logged out.
  • Tasks Spent: The total time spent for doing tasks.
  • 2. What is the Difference Between Time At Work and Productive Time?

    The total amount of time spent by the user in the workplace is called the Time At Work, encompassing productive, and non-productive time.

    Productive time is the time a user spent in front of the system doing tasks and focused on work. In Desklog, the work hours excluding idle time is called the productive time.

    What details does the Desklog User Dashboard have?

  • Work timeline: The visual representation of work hours. It shows productive time in green, idle time in yellow, and private time in red.
  • Task timeline: The real time progress of tasks.
  • Work Graph: Pie chart representing the worked time vs idle time vs private time to understand the total idle time and private time during your working hours.
  • 3. Task Overview

    This part gives you insights on the time spent on tasks on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. You will get detailed task insights such as total time assigned, total time spent, and number of tasks done. You can also view the task report for last week and last month.

    Task Overview
    Task Overview

    4. Task Timesheet

    This includes task details like completed tasks, unfinished tasks, tasks name, project name, start date, status, spent time, and assigned time.

    Task Timesheet

    5. Work/Time Graph

    This section shows a bar graph representation of work time & task time. You can get a task report of the last 7 days, Current week, last week, and custom range.

    work/time graph

    6. Productive Apps and URLs

  • Productive Apps: List of productive apps accessed by the user and the time spent on it.
  • Non Productive Apps: Non-productive apps used by the user and the time on it.
  • Neutral Apps: List of neutral apps accessed by the user and the time spent on it.
  • Urls: the productive and productive URls accessed by the user.
  • productive apps

    7. And you’ve got several menus on the left side, where you can configure and analyze your users in the most accurate way.